Saturday, September 5, 2015

     In the very beginning of chapter 1 the quote " We move from looking at technology as an addition to life to looking at life through that technology" resonated very deep with me Maloy, et al ( 2013, pp5). I believe that technology and internet resources are a valuable addition to the classroom as teaching tools and learning interactives, but we should also expand our modeling of technology for students to not only include internet responsibility and safety, but also when to step back from it and interact with the physical world around us. It's one of the great ways to learn and refine their interpersonal and communication skills. Both of which are a necessity later in life Maloy, et al (2013, pp15).

     The second concept that caught my attention in this chapter was about the Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) Maloy, et al (2013, pp10). I believe that being able to combine and exhibit content, pedagogical and technological knowledge in the classroom can assist in teaching the students information they need to know in all of the different ways students learn. while introducing and or keeping up their enthusiasm for learning and learning that particular subject matter. Introduction to the TPACK Model helps explain the concept in less technical terms and has a great visual aid to assist in understanding this concept.
     The third concept in this chapter that resonated with me is about the technology divide between income classes. I sub at a lower economic status area school and see first hand how the students use, knowledge, and interaction with various types of technology differs. In this area a grant was obtained to turn an old school bus into a mobile internet and tutoring service. The bus contains a few laptops, tablets, wifi, printers and teachers. they then go around at least three days a week after school to various neighborhoods to give students k-12 access to do research, homework, print reports, and academic tutoring from teachers at no charge. This has slowly begun to help close the technology gap among our student population. I can only hope that one day we find a way to supply all schools and districts with this type of funding so they don't have to compete for grants or go without for the sake of all current and future students.


Common Sense Education. "Introduction to the TPACK Model" Nov 3, 2014

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O'Loughlin, Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly   Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA:  Pearson Education, Inc.

Tuck, Gary. "Look Up". Apr 25, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You got your first post on your first blog!! :) Congratulations

    The points that resonated with you are good ones - ones that you'll likely build upon over the semester's time. Nice job on your reflective writing - a skill that you will also further develop as you get some additional posts on this blog. You also did an awesome job in finding a relevant video and adding resources- excellent!

    The things to work on for the next blog post:

    1) Rather than hyperlinking the TPACK video, embed it right on the blog like you did the other one - if you wanted to hyperlink to a website, that would be ok, but anytime you can embed something like YouTube videos, it is best to embed so the reader doesn't have to leave your page.

    2) Try adding a Creative Commons licensed photo to provide more visual to your blog - it is tough to just read text these days of multimedia. :)

    3) Use a citation generator for proper website (i.e., YouTube videos) for APA format. For example, I used Citation Machine for Look Up and this is how it would be formatted (always select the option to show URL):
    Turk, G. (2014, April 25). Look Up. Retrieved September 5, 2015, from

    Overall, a great first post - keep up the good work. :) (And you were nervous about this!!)
